Category Archives: Navgraha Homam

Importance of Calling Priest at Home


Be it a holy puja like a janamdinpooja, satyanarayanpooja, vaastu shanti puja, Navagraha puja or any other puja, in Hindu tradition, we always call a priest or a Brahman home in order to perform the rituals. Even if someone dies, a priest is called in order to conduct the funeral rituals. This is not just restricted to Hinduism but even Christianity and Islam follow the same.

Have you ever given a thought as to why the priests, Maulvi or Fathers are given so much importance? Why do we need to call them in order to perform the pujas and not do it ourselves? Let us now explore…

Who is a Priest?

Before finding the reason behind why are priests called at home for performing different rituals, we need to understand who is a priest! A priest is a person from the Brahmana community, it being the highest among other castes. Brahmanas or priests are often referred to as pandit which means “learned scholar.” Priests, brahmanas or pandits are trained in vedas and they know all the important and relevant mantras or hymns to perform any kind of religious pooja or ritual. They are expected to know all the religious scriptures and also Sanskrit. In fact, some of them work in the temples as pujaris or the ones who conduct daily rituals to the deity.

Why do we call priests at home?

Poojas or rituals are conducted in order to seek the blessings from the Almighty. It is believed that in order for the pooja ritual to reach the Supreme Being, hymns or mantras are necessary. Since the priests are trained and well-versed with the hymns or mantras, they are called home in order to perform the different rituals. The priests act as an intermediate between us and the God. In this way, the Almighty is pleased and in turn, we receive His blessings and find solace in life.

So, the next time you plan to conduct any pooja or ritual, make sure that you call a priest home in order to make sure that your prayers reach the God in the right way!

Rudra Centre specializes in various Pujas services. Our Pujas for Success include Laxmi Puja, Baglamukhi Puja and Satchandi Puja. We also conduct various Dev Pujas like Shiv Puja, Laxmi Puja and Ganesh. Our Siddhi Pujas include Laxmi Mantra Siddhi Japa, Maha Mrutyunjaya Mantra Siddhi Japa, etc. For Dosh Nivaran, we conduct Pujas like Shani Dosh Nivaran, Pitra Dosha Nivaran Puja, Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Pula, etc.

Importance of Navgraha idols


Every time we enter a temple, we see Navagraha idols and people busy circling them. Have you wondered why do people worship Navagraha idols so much? In fact, did you know that Navagraha is responsible in influencing your horoscope and your life to a great extent?

In fact, before any auspicious occasion like grihapravesh and such others, a navagraha puja or homam to please the Navagrahas are performed.

Navagraha: Important deities

After Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Navagrahas are considered to be most important as far as Hindu rituals are concerned. They are considered to play an important role in deciding our destiny.

The Navagrahas or the nine influencers include the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The Navagrahashold immense importance in astrology as well.  As per astrology, the nine planets are places in the twelve zodiac constellations. Zodiac constellation is the belt in the sky where the Moon, Sun and the planets move. According to astrology, the planetary movements have some effect on our lives.

Temples of Navagrahas along with their consorts are rare in India. A temple of Navagrahas with their consorts is in Singapore. Navagrahas with their consortsare called as SAKTHI SAMETHA NAVAGRAHAS. It is believed that grahas with their consorts are generally in a cheerful mood and on praying to them they tend to render immediate positive influence.

Significance of Worshipping Navagrahas

It is believed that Lord Vishnu told Rudra, that one who worships the Navagraha or the nine planets with proper rituals will attain the four Purusharth or the four main objectives of life; one dharma (religion), artha (money), kaam (sex) and moksha (salvation).

Mantra for Worshipping Navagrahas

Here is the mantra that you are required to chant while worshipping the Navagrahas:

Om SuryaeNamah, ChandraeNamah, Budhae

Namah, BrahaspatiaeNamah, MangaleNamah, ShukraeNamah, SaniAeNamah, RahuAeNamah, KetuAe

Namah, NavgaraheNamah.

So, the next time you go to any temple, do not forget to meet the Navagrahas and worship them in order to please them and have a peaceful life.